Information for Suppliers

It is expected that suppliers to the additised fuel supply chain will be aware of approximately 80% of the uses of their substances/products. The ATC FA GES WG therefore recommends that EU manufacturers and/or importers responsible for the registration of substances and formulators adopt the CEFIC/FECC-endorsed “top-down” communication workflow for Identified Uses and associated Exposure Scenarios. The following steps should help you to establish the Identified Uses which you may be asked to cover in your registration dossier for substances you manufacture or import (or pass up the supply chain to the manufacturer/importer if you are a formulator).

Step 1: Identify the additised fuel applications (family and specific application) in which your substance/product is used (e.g. Diesel Fuel / Gas Oil) by referring to the Additised Fuel Application Table (Section 6.2). Make a note of the Grouping (A or K) that has been allocated by the WG to each application. For example:




Specific application

Diesel Fuel / Gas Oil

Power generation


Step 2: Refer to the spreadsheet titled Additised Fuel Use Descriptions in DUCC format’ in Section 6.4 and identify the Use Descriptors - Sector of Use (SU), Process Category (PROC), Product Category (PC) and Environmental Release Category (ERC) - that have been assigned to the Additised Fuel Use Groups you selected.

Additional information to assist with the construction of Exposure Scenarios for workers is given in the ‘Additised Fuel Use Description for Tier 1 Exposure Assessment’ Table (Section 6.3.1) Similar information for consumer uses and environmental release will be given in sections 6.3.2 and 6.3.3 in a future update to these web pages.

Step 3: Confirm within your own organisation that you intend to develop Exposure Scenarios covering these Identified Uses in your registration dossier, or that this will be included by the substance manufacturer/importer if you are a formulator.

Step 4: Communicate the Identified Uses and Exposure Scenarios you intend to support (or your supplier intends to support) to your Downstream Users as soon as possible and at the latest by the end of November 2009 for substances to be registered by 01 December 2010. The deadline for communicating use for substances with a registration deadline of June 2013 or June 2018 is 12 months prior to the relevant registration deadline.

Suppliers to the additised fuel industry should note that all substances used in fuel applications will need to be registered for the Identified Uses allocated to Group A and Group K.

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