Actions & Achievements

The ATC has had many achievements, but is still pushing forward with many more developments.


ATC initiatives, as can be seen from the documents published in recent years, are diverse and wide-ranging. Current activity is focussed on:

  • Timely and proper compliance with REACH legislation;

  • Better understanding of the Community Rolling Action Programme (CoRAP) and how it may or may not impact petroleum additives;

  • Monitoring health, safety and environmental regulations, not least Global Emerging Regulations (GER);

  • Working with industry partners to develop cost effective, proof of performance tests for the improved performance of lubricants and fuels;

  • Liaising with CEC working groups on issues of accreditation, referencing protocols and test monitoring;

  • Maintaining contacts with specific industry and regulatory bodies in Germany.


  • Completion of a data-gathering exercise to help ACEA Light-Duty group in the definition of a meaningful limit for the JASO M366 Fuel Economy test in the ACEA C7-23 category

  • Assisting ACEA Heavy-Duty group with updates on the HD engine oil sequences to improve the clarity of the document (table and footnotes) and to maximize the alignment with API (North American) sequences               

  • Development of joint ATC/ATIEL lubricants and lubricant additives REACH Generic Exposure Scenarios (GES) methodology (can be read here)

  • Consensus reached on standardised PCF Calculation methodology (Document 152 - ATC Position PCF Calculation Methodology)

  • ATC agreed position of ESPR regulation as it affects lubricants and lubricant additives (Document 153 - ATC position on the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR))

  • ATC contributes to public consultation on CLH of substituted diphenylamines (SDPA)

  • ATC task forces were successful in fully meeting both 2010 and 2013 REACH registration deadlines;

  • ATC have developed and published Generic Exposure Scenarios (GES) for lubricants (In conjunction with ATIEL) and fuels for use by member companies, suppliers and customers. This work has been presented at several meetings with ECHA, and welcomed as an important and leading example of industry support;

  • Long and detailed discussions across industry saw new ACEA sequences (for lubricant performance) introduced at the end of 2012;

  • The ATC Code of Practice (COP) which underpins consistent and precise engine testing was revised and republished in 2013;

  • The main focus of the German group (TAD) remains their annual meeting with UBA, with an exchange of news and views considered of value to both sides;

  • A revised and important document "Fuel Additives - Use and Benefit" was launched in October 2013.

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