Fuel Additives Group (FAG)
Terms of Reference
FAG reviews associated technical developments impacting Europe
FAG assesses current and proposed legislation and standardisation impacting the fuel additives industry
FAG works and communicates with regulators, international bodies and other stakeholders (such as ACEA and CONCAWE) with the aim of
Raising awareness of the benefits of fuel additives
Achieving appropriate regulatory outcomes consistent with improving fuels quality and protecting the environment
FAG develops common technical based positions
FAG provides inputs to highlight the technical benefits of fuel additives
FAG provides inputs to maintain cost-effective CEC proof of performance tests and support other Industry bodies in providing appropriate fit-for-purpose tests
FAG actively promotes the industry
Communication about the fuel additives industry
Raise awareness of the European Fuel additive industry (ex: Edition and promotion of Document 113 “Fuel Additives: Use and Benefits”)
Regulations in European countries having an impact on the use of fuel additives
Monitoring of European countries initiatives regarding fuel additives
Develop agreed technical positions when appropriate
Development of test methods
Contribute to the development of market representative CEC engine tests
Review World-Wide Fuel Charter where it concerns fuel additives tests
Dialogue with FATG
Key Recent Achievements
FAG created Document 149 to take position on the ACEA position paper of March 2022 on the revision of the Fuel Quality Directive (FQD). It was shared with the European Commission / DG CLIMA. It concludes that ATC disagrees with the view that high dosages of DCA unequivocally lead to higher exhaust ultra-fine particle emissions.
FAG reviewed and informed on UBA study “Impact of additives from road transportation on exhaust gas treatment systems, vehicle emissions, the environment and health”. In this study, UBA recognises that "premium additives that go beyond this so-called refinery additivation can have a positive effect on engine function and thus on emission levels in long-term use” (ATC Document 147).
FAG released a useful and comprehensive guide to the Fuel Additives applied in the market: Document 113 “Fuel Additives: Use and Benefits”. FAG revises it periodically to address the market changes.
FAG continues to review and provide comments on any documents related to World-Wide Fuel Charter where it concerns fuel additives tests.
FAG continues to monitor CEC engine tests.
Key Position Papers & Documents
Please use the links below to view key documents and position papers related to this working group.