
We discuss topics of a technical and statutory nature which are of concern to our industry.

The Objectives of ATC

Provide a Forum

To provide a forum for additive companies to meet and discuss developments of a technical and/or regulatory nature, concerning the application of additives in fuels, lubricants, service fluids and other petroleum products.


To ensure that communication is effectively co-ordinated with the appropriate international technical groups and organisations within Europe, and outside Europe for global issues and with ACC in particular.

Technical Work

To participate in appropriate technical work, actively and with increasing resources, with associated industry and regulatory organisations or groups.

Fit for Purpose

To ensure that products and technologies are widely seen to demonstrate "fit for purpose", by managing and funding (ATC's 25% share of) the CEC organisation, and thereby enabling CEC to develop test processes for our industry which are appropriate and necessary.


To continue collaboration with the petroleum and automotive industries, so that member companies can develop products and technologies that are seen to contribute towards:

  • The optimal provision of service fluids, fuels and lubricants

  • The solution/mitigation of identified or anticipated problems of vehicle or engine operation

  • Cost-effective compliance with present and future environmental regulation

Actions and Achievements
Member Companies
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