Recent Achievements

  • Completion of a data-gathering exercise to help ACEA Light-Duty group in the definition of a meaningful limit for the JASO M366 Fuel Economy test in the ACEA C7-23 category

  • Assisting ACEA Heavy-Duty group with updates on the HD engine oil sequences to improve the clarity of the document (table and footnotes) and to maximize the alignment with API (North American) sequences               

  • Development of joint ATC/ATIEL lubricants and lubricant additives REACH Generic Exposure Scenarios (GES) methodology (can be read here)

  • Consensus reached on standardised PCF Calculation methodology (Document 152 - ATC Position PCF Calculation Methodology)

  • ATC agreed position of ESPR regulation as it affects lubricants and lubricant additives (Document 153 - ATC position on the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR))

  • ATC contributes to public consultation on CLH of substituted diphenylamines (SDPA)

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